Sunday, July 20, 2008

Bad Luck, Good Luck, a New Floor, and Don't Forget Batman

so, I was in a car accident the other day! I can't remember if that makes four or five. :P
I was on the freeway on my way to work, when my back tire blew. I went into a skid, and overcorrected. it sent my car spinning and I slammed into a mountain. I was going freeway speed, but it was still fast enough that when I hit the mountain I spun almost all the way back to the freeway. My dogs were in the car with me (I drop them off at Pat's mom's house while we're at work) and the whole time it was happening, all I could think about was them. I didn't even care if I got hurt, I just wanted them to be ok.
D.O jumped into my lap as soon as it was over, and Pepper was so scared she pooped. :( but everyone is alright, so I'm happy about that.

so enough of the Bad Luck, now for some of the Good Luck

When I think about how scary the accident was, I can't help but think about how lucky I am. there are two ways that I can get to work. I can go through Toquerville and take the freeway the whole way, or I can go through Hurricane, which is mostly trough the city, than the freeway for a few minutes.
I usually go through Toquervile, cuz it's faster, but for some reason I decided to go through Hurricane that day. well, not so much decided, as I just did, I thought about turning around, but decided to just keep going.
It's scary to think how much worse it could've been if I ahd gone through the other way. there are a lot of places out there where the road just drops off into nowhere, or next to big ditches, and it would've been a lot worse if that had happened, or I could've hit somebody or anything.
I was also pretty lucky, cuz three of the people behind me stopped to help, and they were all medically trained, the main guy jumped out of his car in his scrubs and told me he was on his way to the hospital :D
he was able to check me out, and make sure I didn't break anything, and he wrapped a blanket around my neck until the ambulance got there.

so, enough about the accident.... other than trips to the hospital there hasn't been a whole lot going on here. Pat is currently in the living room putting in a hardwood floor :D:D It's gunna look really nice! and when he's done I want to start figuring out how I want to decorate it. I redecorated our bedroom, and I LOVE it!!! I painted it a chocolaty brown, and put down a purplish-brown rug, I hung up a curtain rod with dark brown curtains in front of our closet so it's not just an open space anymore. I'm so proud of myself cuz it turned out amazing!!! there are a few paint errors here and there, but for hte most part I think I did pretty good for someone whose never really done it before. That's what she said.....

so... I guess the ony thing left to talk about is Batman!!!!!!

It is by far the best movie I have ever seen......


I was so facinated by this movie that when it was over I was jsut sitting there in scilence. I culdn'teven say "wow, that was good" I was just speechless.
Heath Ledger sent chills down my spine while making me laugh at the same time.
he was so evil in this film, but you can't help but root for him just a little.
everyone would always get mad at me cuz I didn't think Jack Nicholson was all that great as the Joker. not that he was BAD, he just wasn't the epitome of everything Joker.
but Heath really brought to screen what I've always known the Joker to be.

and, Aaron Ekhart did such a good job as HArvey Dent. the movie was seriously moe about him than it was about Batman. Two-Face has always been my favorite Batman villan, so I was soooo happy to see him potrayed in such a good way.
the only complaint I really have about the film is that Two-FAce didn't really seem conflilcted. he just kind of seemed like once he got burned, he snapped and was evil. the whole thing that makes Two-Face aweosme is that he's a split personality, he really does struggle between good and evil, and uses the coin to decide for him. but in the film that wasn't really shown much.

so, anywho, I don't want to ruin the film for anyone that hasn't seen it, but I DO recommend that you see it.... RIGHT NOW!!!! don't even finish reading this blog, get up and go see it...