Will Smith is an amazing actor!!!
I just saw the movie seven pounds, and I almost started bawling!!! and, if you watch movies with me, you know that's a big deal, I NEVER cry in movies!! seriously, Will Smith is so amazing! he can make you want to cry with one look!!!
I recommend that movie to everyone!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Movie you have to watch RIGHT now!
drop whatever your doing, and find the movie "Once." It's an amazing Indie film about a street musician, and a woman from the Czech Republic, who write, compose, sing a record songs together. It's beautiful, and wonderful, and I promise your heart will break a little bit when it's over because you just don't want it to end...
Sunday, December 14, 2008
It's Official...
I'm a college student!!!!
I enrolled in college a week or so ago, and I got registered for classes a couple days ago!!
for now I'm just going to take some general ed. classes like English and Math, cuz I have NO idea what I want to do...
but this is really exciting! I feel like I'm finally doing some REAL things with my life!
I enrolled in college a week or so ago, and I got registered for classes a couple days ago!!
for now I'm just going to take some general ed. classes like English and Math, cuz I have NO idea what I want to do...
but this is really exciting! I feel like I'm finally doing some REAL things with my life!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Woo-Hoo TV!!!!
ok, I've been putting off blogging about this, because if it didn't happen, than I didn't want to feel stupid... but... it's official.. I'm in a TV show!!! woo-hoo!!!
a friend of mine from work is really into movies, he has done a few short films, and one of them has gotten awards and stuff at some independent film festivals, like Cannes, and Sundance... he does some projects with a guy that I USED to work with at the movie theatre. They were going to start working on a movie, but that got put on hold, because they got approached with the idea of making a television show. It's just a little local show for now, but if it's good enough than they could get picked up by a network!!! I just have a small roll. In the pilot episode, I only say one thing, but they said that I was pretty good, my mannerisms, and expressions were perfect, so I'm pretty excited about what kind of doors this could open up for me!! :D:D
yesterday was the first day of filming, it was pretty small, the first scene is at the main characters' apartment, (which is just my friend's house), so just a few people that are in that scene were there. my part wasn't until the end of the scene, so they let me do the little slate board during the other scenes.
I am totally loving it, it's probably one of the most fun things I've ever done in my life!
Tonight we're filming at the movie theatre, there's going to be tons of extras, and we get to throw popcorn and soda at one of the characters :D
I'll keep you guys posted, and let you know how things go with it, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Friggin drazy day at work...
today was freaking crazy at work!!!!
at about 6:15 tonight, one of the other cashiers at work came up to me and asked if I had sold a couple cases of beer to a Hispanic guy and I said no, they told me that he had just walked out of the store with two 24 packs of Corona... I went outside with one of the managers to see where he went, and she just started yelling at him!! she started to chase him, so he dropped the cases of beer and took off into the trailer park next door...she followed him into the trailer park! I yelled after her not to chase him, but she didn’t listen... so I followed her to make sure she didn’t get hurt... we got the beer back, and called the police.... we went through all the giving statements and stuff... and thought the excitement was over...
at about 10:30-ish, I was doing my cleaning and I heard the bagger girl that was there with me say "hey, are you going to pay for that?!" than she started yelling "he’s stealing beer!!!" we ran outside again to see where the second guy was going, and again, he dropped the beer and took off into the trailer park...
I called the cops and told them what happened, and the guy on the phone just said "again?!" lol... so, we went inside and talked to the cops again, and it turns out that the second guy was the first guy’s roommate!!!!
it was a freaking crazy night... people are so stupid....
at about 6:15 tonight, one of the other cashiers at work came up to me and asked if I had sold a couple cases of beer to a Hispanic guy and I said no, they told me that he had just walked out of the store with two 24 packs of Corona... I went outside with one of the managers to see where he went, and she just started yelling at him!! she started to chase him, so he dropped the cases of beer and took off into the trailer park next door...she followed him into the trailer park! I yelled after her not to chase him, but she didn’t listen... so I followed her to make sure she didn’t get hurt... we got the beer back, and called the police.... we went through all the giving statements and stuff... and thought the excitement was over...
at about 10:30-ish, I was doing my cleaning and I heard the bagger girl that was there with me say "hey, are you going to pay for that?!" than she started yelling "he’s stealing beer!!!" we ran outside again to see where the second guy was going, and again, he dropped the beer and took off into the trailer park...
I called the cops and told them what happened, and the guy on the phone just said "again?!" lol... so, we went inside and talked to the cops again, and it turns out that the second guy was the first guy’s roommate!!!!
it was a freaking crazy night... people are so stupid....
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Still not quite sure who to vote for....
It sucks to say, but this is the first time I can vote, and I'm not too happy with either candidate...
when it comes down to the nitty-gritty politics, I'm not going to lie, it's pretty confusing... one person will say what another person believes in, than that person will say "that's a lie, I actually believe in is this...." and they'll just fire back and forth till no one knows what it is they're talking about, you just want to scream!!
When you look at it all on paper, you would think the obvious choice would McCain (issues like abortion and gun control and stuff)but I do understand that it's never that easy... things are much more complicated than they look on paper... and, going beyond politics, I don't like McCain very much... I think between the two candidates, Obama seems to show more respect and maturity. McCain makes weak attacks, and immature blows... he seems to me like a bully on a playground... I like Sarah Palin as a person, but not so much as a politician... I think she's funny, and nice, but those are things you look for in a friend, not a leader. I want someone who could potentially lead the United States to know SOME things about what's going on in the world...
the things that concern me about Obama, I won't lie, are who he associates with... I know people like to laugh and say these stories won't die, but I honestly want to know why he would go to a church led by Reverend Wright. and hearing about this thing with that Ayers guy... I mean, there just doesn't seem to be a straight- forward answer to those guys, and someone who would hang around them is a little scary...
so... basically, I still have no idea who I'm going to vote for... maybe I should just throw out all personal opinions on who they are as people, and just look straight at their politics... but in today's world where you hear so many different things it's hard to do that...
when it comes down to the nitty-gritty politics, I'm not going to lie, it's pretty confusing... one person will say what another person believes in, than that person will say "that's a lie, I actually believe in is this...." and they'll just fire back and forth till no one knows what it is they're talking about, you just want to scream!!
When you look at it all on paper, you would think the obvious choice would McCain (issues like abortion and gun control and stuff)but I do understand that it's never that easy... things are much more complicated than they look on paper... and, going beyond politics, I don't like McCain very much... I think between the two candidates, Obama seems to show more respect and maturity. McCain makes weak attacks, and immature blows... he seems to me like a bully on a playground... I like Sarah Palin as a person, but not so much as a politician... I think she's funny, and nice, but those are things you look for in a friend, not a leader. I want someone who could potentially lead the United States to know SOME things about what's going on in the world...
the things that concern me about Obama, I won't lie, are who he associates with... I know people like to laugh and say these stories won't die, but I honestly want to know why he would go to a church led by Reverend Wright. and hearing about this thing with that Ayers guy... I mean, there just doesn't seem to be a straight- forward answer to those guys, and someone who would hang around them is a little scary...
so... basically, I still have no idea who I'm going to vote for... maybe I should just throw out all personal opinions on who they are as people, and just look straight at their politics... but in today's world where you hear so many different things it's hard to do that...
Friday, September 26, 2008
May be my new career...
So I went to the What Women Want expo today... I walked around a little bit with Erin. At one point we passed a booth for a school called Career Step. It trains people in medical transcription.
I'm really interested in it, and I'm excited to do it.
I still need to do some research, and make it sure it's not one of those "too good to be true" careers. If I can get into it, it would make things a lot easier on Pat and I. We're not planning on having children for a couple years, but you never know what cards life is going to deal out.. If we get pregnant sometime soon, than if I'm already going through the training, I'll be able to be getting into the career right as our kid is born, which would be really helpful. If our plans work out, and we don't have kids for a while, than it will be nice to have some extra money saved up for when it does happen. at this point, if we got pregnant any time soon, Pat would have to get a second job. if I'm doing the medical transcription, than that wouldn't need to happen, and he could spend more time at home.
It would be so nice to have a career that I could do at home. I spend so much time on the computer anyways, that I would fit right into it :D
and, to make things even better, the school only costs a little over $1,000 dollars... it's still a little out of our price range, but they have finacial aid, so we could do it way easy.
I still have a lot more research to do on the sucject, so it'll be a little while before we make any huge plans, but I'm really excited about it :D:D
I'm really interested in it, and I'm excited to do it.
I still need to do some research, and make it sure it's not one of those "too good to be true" careers. If I can get into it, it would make things a lot easier on Pat and I. We're not planning on having children for a couple years, but you never know what cards life is going to deal out.. If we get pregnant sometime soon, than if I'm already going through the training, I'll be able to be getting into the career right as our kid is born, which would be really helpful. If our plans work out, and we don't have kids for a while, than it will be nice to have some extra money saved up for when it does happen. at this point, if we got pregnant any time soon, Pat would have to get a second job. if I'm doing the medical transcription, than that wouldn't need to happen, and he could spend more time at home.
It would be so nice to have a career that I could do at home. I spend so much time on the computer anyways, that I would fit right into it :D
and, to make things even better, the school only costs a little over $1,000 dollars... it's still a little out of our price range, but they have finacial aid, so we could do it way easy.
I still have a lot more research to do on the sucject, so it'll be a little while before we make any huge plans, but I'm really excited about it :D:D
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
A couple more pages....
so I did a couple more scrapbook pages, let me know what you think...

This was our first date (Feb. 12th 2007) at Zion's National park.. Pat hates that picture of himself, but I think it's cute :D:D
This is me and my friend Paige. The top two pics. are us at the demolition derby, the bottom one is us hanging out in Vegas last month...
So I should be packing right now... I'm going up to Salt Lake tomorrow to help Deb and Mike with the What Women Want Expo. they're promoting their new photobooth ( http://www.funnyfacephotobooth.com/ ) I'm really excited, it'll be nice to get up to Salt Lake for a mini vacation, and hang out with my brother... I'm kind of torn though, cuz I've never been away from home since Pat and I got married. He's gone up to Salt Lake for work a few times, but I've never been the one to leave, and I know I'm gunna get really homesick... I think the hardest part will be sleeping alone. During the day I'll be fine, cuz I'll have things to occupy my mind, but as soon as it's time to go to sleep, your alone with your thoughts, and all I'lll have to think about is how much I miss my husband :(:(
well, enough stalling, I want to get this house clean before I leave, and I gotta work in a few hours... [/]procrastinating
Friday, September 19, 2008
Another Kidney Stone Adventure!!!
So, the Sunday before last, I started to get a pain in my side... I knew what was coming, but what I didn't know was how bad it would get...
It started at about 12, and got really bad late afternoon... it was just hurting so bad, and I was getting so sick. It just wouldn't go away, finally at about 4:30 Monday morning, I woke Pat up and he took me to the hospital... I was still sick this whole time (I threw up twice just on the walk between my front door and the truck) at the hospital they gave me this really awesome pain killer I think it was called Toradol or something... It was so amazing, it took away all the pain, but didn't give me the sick feeling I get on other pain killers... so I was feeling OK on Monday, I was pretty weak from throwing up so much, and not being able to eat... I went to work on Tues, feeling semi-OK, but my side started to hurt again really bad half way through my shift... they sent me home, and later that night it started all over again. the throwing up, the constant pain. At about 3:30 Wed. morning, I said a prayer, and fell asleep on the bathroom floor. I woke up, and all the pain was gone!! I felt fine... well, except the fact that I lost six pounds in three days, and hadn't eaten since Saturday night... but other than that, I was fine...
so... other than that... life is pretty boring... just workin.... and...... yeah....
Oh, we got a new computer!!!!! I'm going to go to College next semester, so I wanted to get something a little more reliable. we got a desktop, so it'll be better for school stuff, and I'll use the laptop for stuff like downloading movie and music and stuff. :D:D
oh, here's some new photos. enjoy :D:D
Gondola ride to the top of Mammoth Mountain :D:D
It started at about 12, and got really bad late afternoon... it was just hurting so bad, and I was getting so sick. It just wouldn't go away, finally at about 4:30 Monday morning, I woke Pat up and he took me to the hospital... I was still sick this whole time (I threw up twice just on the walk between my front door and the truck) at the hospital they gave me this really awesome pain killer I think it was called Toradol or something... It was so amazing, it took away all the pain, but didn't give me the sick feeling I get on other pain killers... so I was feeling OK on Monday, I was pretty weak from throwing up so much, and not being able to eat... I went to work on Tues, feeling semi-OK, but my side started to hurt again really bad half way through my shift... they sent me home, and later that night it started all over again. the throwing up, the constant pain. At about 3:30 Wed. morning, I said a prayer, and fell asleep on the bathroom floor. I woke up, and all the pain was gone!! I felt fine... well, except the fact that I lost six pounds in three days, and hadn't eaten since Saturday night... but other than that, I was fine...
so... other than that... life is pretty boring... just workin.... and...... yeah....
Oh, we got a new computer!!!!! I'm going to go to College next semester, so I wanted to get something a little more reliable. we got a desktop, so it'll be better for school stuff, and I'll use the laptop for stuff like downloading movie and music and stuff. :D:D
oh, here's some new photos. enjoy :D:D
This is me and my friend Paige hanging out at the demolition derby.
Here's some Honeymoon pictures I dug up. There's some really cute ones, I can't believe it's been a year!!!
Gondola ride to the top of Mammoth Mountain :D:D
Haha, we were REALLY high up in the air... it was really windy, so the thing was shaking really bad
If you don't believe that it was high up, that's where we were... lol
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Digital Scrapbooking
A few days ago I decided to finally give digital scrapbooking a try.
Now I'm addicted!!!! I love it so much! I've always wanted to give scrapbooking a try, but I was too intimidated by all the papers and tools. Than there's the fear of doing something wrong, or ruining a picture.
but Digital scrapbooking gives you a chance to mess with things without destroying anything. there's no clipping or gluing, and you don't have to make copy after copy of pictures.
here's a few pages I've done, let me know what you think

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Bad Luck, Good Luck, a New Floor, and Don't Forget Batman
so, I was in a car accident the other day! I can't remember if that makes four or five. :P
I was on the freeway on my way to work, when my back tire blew. I went into a skid, and overcorrected. it sent my car spinning and I slammed into a mountain. I was going freeway speed, but it was still fast enough that when I hit the mountain I spun almost all the way back to the freeway. My dogs were in the car with me (I drop them off at Pat's mom's house while we're at work) and the whole time it was happening, all I could think about was them. I didn't even care if I got hurt, I just wanted them to be ok.
D.O jumped into my lap as soon as it was over, and Pepper was so scared she pooped. :( but everyone is alright, so I'm happy about that.
so enough of the Bad Luck, now for some of the Good Luck
When I think about how scary the accident was, I can't help but think about how lucky I am. there are two ways that I can get to work. I can go through Toquerville and take the freeway the whole way, or I can go through Hurricane, which is mostly trough the city, than the freeway for a few minutes.
I usually go through Toquervile, cuz it's faster, but for some reason I decided to go through Hurricane that day. well, not so much decided, as I just did, I thought about turning around, but decided to just keep going.
It's scary to think how much worse it could've been if I ahd gone through the other way. there are a lot of places out there where the road just drops off into nowhere, or next to big ditches, and it would've been a lot worse if that had happened, or I could've hit somebody or anything.
I was also pretty lucky, cuz three of the people behind me stopped to help, and they were all medically trained, the main guy jumped out of his car in his scrubs and told me he was on his way to the hospital :D
he was able to check me out, and make sure I didn't break anything, and he wrapped a blanket around my neck until the ambulance got there.
so, enough about the accident.... other than trips to the hospital there hasn't been a whole lot going on here. Pat is currently in the living room putting in a hardwood floor :D:D It's gunna look really nice! and when he's done I want to start figuring out how I want to decorate it. I redecorated our bedroom, and I LOVE it!!! I painted it a chocolaty brown, and put down a purplish-brown rug, I hung up a curtain rod with dark brown curtains in front of our closet so it's not just an open space anymore. I'm so proud of myself cuz it turned out amazing!!! there are a few paint errors here and there, but for hte most part I think I did pretty good for someone whose never really done it before. That's what she said.....
so... I guess the ony thing left to talk about is Batman!!!!!!
It is by far the best movie I have ever seen......
I was so facinated by this movie that when it was over I was jsut sitting there in scilence. I culdn'teven say "wow, that was good" I was just speechless.
Heath Ledger sent chills down my spine while making me laugh at the same time.
he was so evil in this film, but you can't help but root for him just a little.
everyone would always get mad at me cuz I didn't think Jack Nicholson was all that great as the Joker. not that he was BAD, he just wasn't the epitome of everything Joker.
but Heath really brought to screen what I've always known the Joker to be.
and, Aaron Ekhart did such a good job as HArvey Dent. the movie was seriously moe about him than it was about Batman. Two-Face has always been my favorite Batman villan, so I was soooo happy to see him potrayed in such a good way.
the only complaint I really have about the film is that Two-FAce didn't really seem conflilcted. he just kind of seemed like once he got burned, he snapped and was evil. the whole thing that makes Two-Face aweosme is that he's a split personality, he really does struggle between good and evil, and uses the coin to decide for him. but in the film that wasn't really shown much.
so, anywho, I don't want to ruin the film for anyone that hasn't seen it, but I DO recommend that you see it.... RIGHT NOW!!!! don't even finish reading this blog, get up and go see it...
I was on the freeway on my way to work, when my back tire blew. I went into a skid, and overcorrected. it sent my car spinning and I slammed into a mountain. I was going freeway speed, but it was still fast enough that when I hit the mountain I spun almost all the way back to the freeway. My dogs were in the car with me (I drop them off at Pat's mom's house while we're at work) and the whole time it was happening, all I could think about was them. I didn't even care if I got hurt, I just wanted them to be ok.
D.O jumped into my lap as soon as it was over, and Pepper was so scared she pooped. :( but everyone is alright, so I'm happy about that.
so enough of the Bad Luck, now for some of the Good Luck
When I think about how scary the accident was, I can't help but think about how lucky I am. there are two ways that I can get to work. I can go through Toquerville and take the freeway the whole way, or I can go through Hurricane, which is mostly trough the city, than the freeway for a few minutes.
I usually go through Toquervile, cuz it's faster, but for some reason I decided to go through Hurricane that day. well, not so much decided, as I just did, I thought about turning around, but decided to just keep going.
It's scary to think how much worse it could've been if I ahd gone through the other way. there are a lot of places out there where the road just drops off into nowhere, or next to big ditches, and it would've been a lot worse if that had happened, or I could've hit somebody or anything.
I was also pretty lucky, cuz three of the people behind me stopped to help, and they were all medically trained, the main guy jumped out of his car in his scrubs and told me he was on his way to the hospital :D
he was able to check me out, and make sure I didn't break anything, and he wrapped a blanket around my neck until the ambulance got there.
so, enough about the accident.... other than trips to the hospital there hasn't been a whole lot going on here. Pat is currently in the living room putting in a hardwood floor :D:D It's gunna look really nice! and when he's done I want to start figuring out how I want to decorate it. I redecorated our bedroom, and I LOVE it!!! I painted it a chocolaty brown, and put down a purplish-brown rug, I hung up a curtain rod with dark brown curtains in front of our closet so it's not just an open space anymore. I'm so proud of myself cuz it turned out amazing!!! there are a few paint errors here and there, but for hte most part I think I did pretty good for someone whose never really done it before. That's what she said.....
so... I guess the ony thing left to talk about is Batman!!!!!!
It is by far the best movie I have ever seen......
I was so facinated by this movie that when it was over I was jsut sitting there in scilence. I culdn'teven say "wow, that was good" I was just speechless.
Heath Ledger sent chills down my spine while making me laugh at the same time.
he was so evil in this film, but you can't help but root for him just a little.
everyone would always get mad at me cuz I didn't think Jack Nicholson was all that great as the Joker. not that he was BAD, he just wasn't the epitome of everything Joker.
but Heath really brought to screen what I've always known the Joker to be.
and, Aaron Ekhart did such a good job as HArvey Dent. the movie was seriously moe about him than it was about Batman. Two-Face has always been my favorite Batman villan, so I was soooo happy to see him potrayed in such a good way.
the only complaint I really have about the film is that Two-FAce didn't really seem conflilcted. he just kind of seemed like once he got burned, he snapped and was evil. the whole thing that makes Two-Face aweosme is that he's a split personality, he really does struggle between good and evil, and uses the coin to decide for him. but in the film that wasn't really shown much.
so, anywho, I don't want to ruin the film for anyone that hasn't seen it, but I DO recommend that you see it.... RIGHT NOW!!!! don't even finish reading this blog, get up and go see it...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
So today was pretty much one of the worst days of my life!!!!
I haven't been drinking enough water lately, so I guess I got really dehydrated. I started to get a bad cramp, but with regular cramps, you can usually switch positions and it'll let up a little. but it was just getting worse and worse and it was moving towards my back (I've had kidney stones before, so I knew what was coming)
BUT.....if that wasn't bad enough, I had eaten some of those frozen toquitos this morning, and I think the box had may have been open before. not that anyone tampered with it, but something probably just got into the food. so I got food poisoning on top of the stones!!! it was the kind of food poisoning that's just way intense for an hour or so and then you feel better.
So I'm done throwing up, but I just can't move around too much. it's like if I jostle my stomach I'll remind it that I'm sick! lol.
Luckily I was able to fall asleep for a little bit to let the stone stop hurting so much.
seriously, I love the magical power of sleep. not only does your body heal, and re energize while you sleep, but I just being unconscious while my body is in pain. cuz our bodies can handle so much, but I'm just a little baby
so, enough about my whining. other that being sick things are going pretty well. I might be getting a better job at Albertson's. My friend Jeremy is going to Orem for school to become a linemen, and I'll probably get his meat wrapping job. I pretty much already have it unless someone more qualified applies for it. it's pretty much the best job in the store, so I'm super excited. The only thing that sucks about it, is Jeremy is pretty much the coolest person who works at Albertson's. there's a lot of cool people, but he's the closest to me in age, and we have more in common than anyone else.
Things are going pretty well for Pat at work too, he finished his second year of school, and he should be taking his Journeyman's test soon. His bosses LOVE him! he keeps getting raises and stuff. he just got a $2 raise the other day, so he's making $16 an hour now, and he's not even a journeymen yet! when he passes his test, he'll be one of the youngest (if not THE youngest) journeymen electricians in St. George :D:D I'm so proud of him!
so, speaking of drastically changing the subject, 23 days, 2 hours, 37 minutes, and 7 seconds until the Dark Knight comes out!!! I wanted to put a video on here of Two-Face, but I guess this site doesn't allow direct links from youtube, but if you want to see it, go to http://www.whysoserious.com/myhero/
p.s. my dogs are the sweetest creatures ever to walk this earth!! the whole time I was sick they were sitting right by me cuddling with me. it made me so happy :D Pat's up in Provo for work, so it was nice to not have to be here all on my own.
BUT.....if that wasn't bad enough, I had eaten some of those frozen toquitos this morning, and I think the box had may have been open before. not that anyone tampered with it, but something probably just got into the food. so I got food poisoning on top of the stones!!! it was the kind of food poisoning that's just way intense for an hour or so and then you feel better.
So I'm done throwing up, but I just can't move around too much. it's like if I jostle my stomach I'll remind it that I'm sick! lol.
Luckily I was able to fall asleep for a little bit to let the stone stop hurting so much.
seriously, I love the magical power of sleep. not only does your body heal, and re energize while you sleep, but I just being unconscious while my body is in pain. cuz our bodies can handle so much, but I'm just a little baby
so, enough about my whining. other that being sick things are going pretty well. I might be getting a better job at Albertson's. My friend Jeremy is going to Orem for school to become a linemen, and I'll probably get his meat wrapping job. I pretty much already have it unless someone more qualified applies for it. it's pretty much the best job in the store, so I'm super excited. The only thing that sucks about it, is Jeremy is pretty much the coolest person who works at Albertson's. there's a lot of cool people, but he's the closest to me in age, and we have more in common than anyone else.
Things are going pretty well for Pat at work too, he finished his second year of school, and he should be taking his Journeyman's test soon. His bosses LOVE him! he keeps getting raises and stuff. he just got a $2 raise the other day, so he's making $16 an hour now, and he's not even a journeymen yet! when he passes his test, he'll be one of the youngest (if not THE youngest) journeymen electricians in St. George :D:D I'm so proud of him!
so, speaking of drastically changing the subject, 23 days, 2 hours, 37 minutes, and 7 seconds until the Dark Knight comes out!!! I wanted to put a video on here of Two-Face, but I guess this site doesn't allow direct links from youtube, but if you want to see it, go to http://www.whysoserious.com/myhero/
p.s. my dogs are the sweetest creatures ever to walk this earth!! the whole time I was sick they were sitting right by me cuddling with me. it made me so happy :D Pat's up in Provo for work, so it was nice to not have to be here all on my own.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
whoo-hoo!! I'm back!
Pat got me the Internet for my birthday! he bought one of those cards that you plug into your USB port, and it grabs a signal.
so, I'm twenty now! I feel so old. I hardly remember anything from when I was little, so most of what I remember is from being a teenager, so it's weird that it's over!
today has been such a good day so far. well, it's only noon, but I was at a yard sale thing all morning. My boss Shelda at Albertsons adopted a puppy the other day. she was left by the side of the road in Leeds with three broken legs. Shelda's friend works around animals, and when she saw that the shelter was baout to put the dog down, she said "she's my dog now, you can't touch her"
so, they saved her life, but now she needs a lot of work done on her legs (her front right leg is the worst, the whole bone was shoved into the joinT. she mave loose that leg) the vet here did as much as he could, but the other legs need extensive surgery, so they have to take her down to a specialist in vegas. we rounded up a bunch of old stuff, and had a yard sale outside the vet's office this morning. we raised a ton of money for the puppy, so I feel pretty good :D
Pat got me the Internet for my birthday! he bought one of those cards that you plug into your USB port, and it grabs a signal.
so, I'm twenty now! I feel so old. I hardly remember anything from when I was little, so most of what I remember is from being a teenager, so it's weird that it's over!
today has been such a good day so far. well, it's only noon, but I was at a yard sale thing all morning. My boss Shelda at Albertsons adopted a puppy the other day. she was left by the side of the road in Leeds with three broken legs. Shelda's friend works around animals, and when she saw that the shelter was baout to put the dog down, she said "she's my dog now, you can't touch her"
so, they saved her life, but now she needs a lot of work done on her legs (her front right leg is the worst, the whole bone was shoved into the joinT. she mave loose that leg) the vet here did as much as he could, but the other legs need extensive surgery, so they have to take her down to a specialist in vegas. we rounded up a bunch of old stuff, and had a yard sale outside the vet's office this morning. we raised a ton of money for the puppy, so I feel pretty good :D
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